Ipswich Pentecostal Church
Rushmere Village Hall, Humber Doucy lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, United Kingdom IP4 3PD | 07305004749 | 07950613446 | 07930992310 | ipswichpentecostalchurch@gmail.com
" My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations"
About us
Ipswich Pentecostal Church has a strong vision to spread Gospel across Ipswich and spreading it throughout the country by empowering each and every individual through Gods word and its doctrines.
Ipswich Pentecostal Church has been formed with following objectives to fulfill;
To conduct regular worship services and to teach GOD’s word.
To help the poor and needy, through provision of proper pastoral care, grants and support
To spread the gospel of Christ through evangelisation
Praise the Lord!
Ipswich Pentecostal Church was constituted on 17 February 2019 and registered with charity commission on 10 May 2019 with a view to develop a spiritual base in Ipswich dedicated to full time ministry covering Ipswich and nearby places.Ipswich is a town in Suffolk, a county in eastern England which has population more than 133,384 people.We derived a new vision to develop a ministry in Ipswich and thus many of our leaders and pastors from different places contributed in starting a church in ipswich which was further reformed to be known as Ipswich Pentecostal Church.This name was found appropriate by the general body and thus this resolution was passed by majority of members.Ipswich Pentecostal church understood the need of evangelism for the ministerial growth as per Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 11-16.Ipswich Pentecostal Church believes by faith that God shall raise apostles, pastors, teachers and evangelists from Ipswich dedicatedly working to reach the unreached.
Ipswich Pentecostal church was officially declared and gladly welcomed by all church members with its first sunday service on 17 February 2019.Ipswich Pentecostal Church is a Multilingual Church in Ipswich. All church services are done in English and Malayalam. We also provide Translations of church service in English and Hindi as per need. Ipswich Pentecostal Church is leaded and guided by a spiritual leader who is keen in developing the church by providing proper guidance and pastoral care,Trustees and members who are saved and baptized have a important role in decision making and electing trustees every year.Ipswich Pentecostal Church works as a team where each and every individual has equal responsibility in providing suggestions and acting in favour of Church to carry out the mission.
Ipswich Pentecostal Church has regular sunday worship services in Rushmere Village Hall,IP4 3PD,Ipswich which is also accompanied by bible study and sunday school preceding to worship.Ipswich Pentecostal Church has regular Wednesday meetings in 142, Kembal street, Ipswich IP4 5EA. Additionally, Ipswich Pentecostal Church has cottage prayer meetings at houses of respective members which is scheduled every month.
Ipswich Pentecostal Church believes that GOD would surely bring a great revival in Ipswich and we all shall be a part of it.We give all Glory to GOD,
Church Overview
Ipswich Pentecostal Church is registered with charity commission of England as a CIO. The charity registration number is 1183354. Please Click Here to view details on the charity commission website.