Ipswich Pentecostal Church
Rushmere Village Hall, Humber Doucy lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, United Kingdom IP4 3PD | 07305004749 | 07950613446 | 07930992310 | ipswichpentecostalchurch@gmail.com
" My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations"

Ipswich Pentecostal Church
Ipswich ! Its time for Revival
Welcome to Ipswich Pentecostal Church .
We are a relatively small but welcoming church in Ipswich.We are zealously working for the ministry in Ipswich, under the leadership of our Pastor and leaders. Our church service is in Malayalam with English and Hindi translations.
Our heartfelt desire is to see spiritual growth particularly with people from the immediate area joining us!
Our church is Bible centered with the focus on strong Bible teaching complimented by a love of worshiping God and learning about Him through His Word and communion with Him through individual and group prayer.
At the core of our work is a keen desire to reach out to the local community with the good news of Jesus Christ.
To achieve this we are active in various evangelistic outreach including; events and special services, the Sunday School, youth meetings, helping towards poverty relief, handing out leaflets during local events and some door to door work.
In all this we recognise the need for continuous prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all we do to support and produce fruit from this work.
We seek to glorify God through every act we do.

Sunday Worship Service
Sunday - 11:00 am to 01:00 pm
We have regular Sunday worship service in at Rushmere Village Hall,
Humber Doucy Lane,
IP4 3PD,
United Kingdom.
Worship Services are led by our Pastor and Leaders.
Our services are in English, Malayalam and Hindi

Sunday School
Sunday - 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
We obey Christ,s command by nurturing all our children to become tomorrows ministers of God.Moulding and making them a testimony today and tomorrow.

Weekly meeting
Wednesday 07:30 pm to 09:00 pm
It is very necessary that we need to be closer to God each day,each second of our life.we also need fellowship in our life so every week we have a wednesday meeting for prayers,songs and messages at 142 Kemball St, Ipswich IP4 5EA.Join us if you are available and be blessed.

Cottage Prayer
Friday 07:30 pm to 09:00 pm
We care for our families by coming together for fellowship at homes to pray .The meetings are a good way to refresh our mind and soul with Christ.We have seen God's hand working in our families so we invite you to join us.

Sunday Worship Service
Come Worship with Us!
​Sunday: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm